Dear Readers,
Women get equal education and more privileges than men. Then why are husbands legally forced to carry wives financially?
- If husband ask money from wife it is termed as dowry and has made a crime. Why is it called Alimony and has made a right, if wife does the same?
- Adultery is legal for wives; Why are men jailed for the same act?
- If mother take away kid, courts say kid needs mother. Why are fathers jailed for child abduction if he does the same?
- If women dress like hookers its liberation; If men show any sort of sexual interest why is it called sexual harassment?
- Why are men taxed more than women for the same pay?
- Why are men banned from contesting in panchayat/municipal elections in certain constituencies?
- Why are men denied protection under Domestic Violence Act and Sexual Harassment at workplace Bill?
- Why do crime reports publish full name and adress of the man but change the name if it is women?
- Why do women child and animals have ministries but not one for men?
Some other interesting news that you might have missed